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Happy weekend to you all! September swept in with it’s usual Indian Summer and it’s hothothot outside. I’m not drinking a Pumpkin Latte until it drops below 70 degrees! Also, I love gifs. And I love polaroids. So I geeked out a little. And I made this out of all my polaroids from our West-bound […]
This blog title is dedicated to my brother Jordan, who’s likeness appears below. He has affectionately been the recipient of many nicknames on this trip, namely “Q“, “Pure Awesomeness“, “The Third Wheel“, and now “The Big Sir” being a few favorites.]
It s been almost a month on the road, now. This last week and a half has been filled with old memories, tears, laughter, more tears, and more laughter. And since we’ve been out east, every day was filled with either French Press or pour-over coffee (the first time I’ve tasted it!), with fresh milk […]
Hey guys. I’m just overwhelmed with this trip. It’s been challenging and a growing process and has just been so…. blessed. I can’t imagine spending these weeks any other way. For those of you who are following this blog and our story I hope I communicate this all accurately and in an accessible way to you. Hope […]
Hey guys! Here’s a small conglomeration of our second week on the road. I’m writing from Crescent City, CALIFORNIA. We’re finally in my home state! We’ve spent the last 4 nights in Redwood National Park and leave Thursday morning for a more southern destination. Now, to pick up from last week.
One thing I love about this trip is that I get to meet all these wonderful people who’ve opened up our homes to us.Mar was our host for our stay in Seattle. I’m so excited to share these shots with you – she’s a soulful intellectual, crazy, laughing, introspective woman who we had an absolute […]
Friends, week 1 has been perfectly unscripted and raw. Going to go over a few highlights here of the 5 days we’ve been on the road, covering the miles from Minneapolis to Seattle.