Anna Kraft



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Laurie Rock – Holistic Leadership Coach – personal branding

Filed in: Personal Brand

While the portrait industry has seen a revival in the last one-to-two decades, one genre that has been underserved is the personal branding niche.

Part of that is because it is difficult to structure this service in the same way as traditional portraiture.

However, this is finally changing!

One of my most requested services was a personal branding collection.

In 2021, It finally came to life!

Now, there are 3 collections to choose from based on your needs. Each one is subscription-based, for either 6 months or 1 year. Generally collections include 1/3 “headshots”, 1/3 “action shots”, and 1/3 “product/service shots”.

It was a lot of fun to work with Laurie Rock, a holistic leadership coach, for her recent re-brand. Laurie has vibrant, bold colors to work with, and through careful discussion and planning, we were able to really make her colors sing!

We had an in-depth, in-person planning meeting at the coffee shop to clarify her brand and work. From there, we were able to design so many of the fun looks you see here! This is also included at the beginning of every collection, as well as a re-fresh before each session.

I love how different aspects of Laurie’s personality just shine in every single image! These are all powerful tools to reach her clients on many different channels and levels!

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  1. […] maybe you’re more like Laurie Rock, a life and wellness […]

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The W family had their reveal last night and so now I can finally show these off - and one of these is a gorgeous 36×36” portrait above their fireplace!

modern family portrait

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