Anna Kraft



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Georgetown Highschool Portrait

Filed in: Uncategorized

I don’t know about you… but if I showed you my high school photo you’d feel bad for me. Eddie Bauer button up shirt. Frizzy blond hair. Pre-braces. Hot pink lip gloss, poorly applied concealer with the smallest hint of mascara. What happened to to that phase of teenagerhood? (Recently a friend posted this video which I find highly appropriate.)

D has zero of the issues I had at her age. She is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet and was a delight to photograph.  She brought several of her favorite outfits from Norway, but one of our favorite outfits ended up being a piece from my studio wardrobe, this peasant/pirate dress. Doesn’t she look like an absolute angel?

comments +

  1. They’re all very beautiful, however, the last one is my very favorite. Such a beautiful young lady.

    • Anna Kraft says:

      Thank you so much Jamie. I loved being able to get interesting, diverse portraits of a very unique young woman. She has a beautiful spirit and demeanor that really shines through.

  2. tharcille says:

    Wow!!! absolutely amazing girl, proud chry

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The W family had their reveal last night and so now I can finally show these off - and one of these is a gorgeous 36×36” portrait above their fireplace!

modern family portrait

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