Anna Kraft



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Fine Art Mother & Daughter Portraits – Georgetown

Filed in: Family, Studio

This Mama and I had so much fun last week creating these. We found each other on a Crunchy Mom’s facebook group (haha, we’re such moms), had wine one night, and it all just kind of went from there. Her baby is about the same age as mine, only a 2 week difference. This sweet little nugget wouldn’t let Mama get her makeup done, and wanted one-on-one attention every minute… but even with the fussing, we managed to score some outstanding, beautiful photos. 

Megan said this to me afterwards:

You made me feel really pretty, Anna… I haven’t felt that in a long time. I’m serious, I cried. You really blew my mind! I love my photos, I will cherish them always.

My passion is to celebrate family, make mamas feel beautiful, and show off their beauty to the world, while showing off their motherhood as well.

Since we are inundated daily with photos of beautiful celebrities, powerful politicians and gorgeous models, motherhood can seem so unglamorous…. and I am going to change that. You are beautiful, your position as a mother is beautiful, this time of your life is beautiful. Savor it, show it off. This is just another phase, just like your obsession with Lisa Frank was a phase, high school lip gloss was a phase, college fashion was a phase. This phase, too, has an end. 

Celebrate it now while it’s here.

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The W family had their reveal last night and so now I can finally show these off - and one of these is a gorgeous 36×36” portrait above their fireplace!

modern family portrait

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